Monday, November 27, 2006

Pleeeeaaassseee Mr. Officer Officer

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Heres a sketch of mr. Officer officer Lorenzo I did for an indie comic company. I dont think it was quite what they were looking for but I like it.

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I'm a 31 yr. old freelance illustrator I started out interning for a company called WAM ent. where I learned how to draw. Its also where I got my professional start. I started out doing G.I.Joe toybox covers for Hasbro, then to Hotwheels toybox covers and Character designs for Mattel. It was always an ambition of mine to do comics so when I left the company I figured...why not. My first comic was for Phenomenon Comics called Blackpool. I believe I did a six or seven issue run. Wasnt quite Marvel or Dc material just yet so I stopped drawing for a while. But see... the funny thing that seperates me from other artists is....I get better when I dont draw! When I started back up again there was alot I learned backed up in my brain that just started pouring out. Everything I was taught started "clicking". With some help I landed a issue of Spiderman with Marvel comics and here I am!